Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Making Daddy's Father's Day Gift 6/16/10

We tried a new technique for making Daddy his Father's Day card/gift this year. I have seen it done many places before but never tried it, until now.
The first step was to spray a layer of shaving cream on a cookie sheet. Then put drops of food coloring scattered around. Then use a stick to swirl the coloring around.The 2nd step was to place a piece of card stock on top of the shaving cream mixture and press down, making sure the whole paper is covered with shaving cream. (Samantha really got into this part)
The final step is to wipe all of the shaving cream off the paper. What you have left is a tie-dye looking effect on the paper.
After it was dried, the kids used a bingo dauber to fill in a #1 Dad stencil.

Then they went to town decorating it however they wanted to.
It wasn't much, but it was made by the kids! :-)

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