Well, I guess it had to happen eventually, my little boy started kindergarten on Tuesday! He was really excited for his first day.We got there a little early so we took a few photos of our little man.At Chandler Wood Charter Academy, the elementary school teachers come out to the front of the building and all the kids line up with their teacher and all go in together as a class.
As Marc stood in line, we could tell he was about to cry...and he did. After a hug and some reassuring, he was fine.While we were waiting for time to go inside, we got a picture of Marc and his teacher, Mrs. Grimm.After some waiting, it was time for them to go into their classroom. :)We told Marc that we would go and spend a few minutes with him in the classroom. As soon as all the backpacks got hung up, all the kids went the "rug" where they do group time to say Hi and Welcome to kindergarten. After the short group time, there was a whole school assembly. At the assembly they said the Pledge and the school's Creed. the principal talked about some school rules. I have heard from a neighbor whose 7th & 4th graders go there that the school has an assembly once a week. The classes rotate and do "something" during the assembly. We went to the assembly which lasted about 20-30 minutes. Since we told Marc that we would hang out in his room for a few minutes we went back to his room.
Mrs. Grimm had them cut out a clothing shaped paper, write their name on it, glue a picture of them on it, and then tell her 3 things about themselves to have written on it. Since there were still a few of us parents there, she put us to work.Marc chose a baseball cap to decorate.
After we were done helping Mrs Grimm we left and came home for a little while. Samantha kept asking "bra-ur" (translation=brother). She was confused about why he wasn't in the back seat with her. I thought I would ball and sob the whole time he was gone on his first day of school. Surprisingly enough, I didn't even shed a tear. (I came close when he was crying, but I held it together.)
On the second day of school I parked and walked him up to his class line. I had planned on hanging out with him until he went into the building. After just a couple of minutes, he looked at me and said "Bye Mom". So I took the clue and left. I cried almost all the way to work that morning.
He said he has not had a single tear since those first ones. :) He has had a great time. He tells me all about what he did that day when I pick him up. On Tuesday he spent some time in the Art Room, on Wednesday he spent time in the Computer Lab, and on Thursday he spent time in Gym. I think the other 2 places that get rotated every week are Music & Library.
He is off to a great start and he loves it! :)
55 minutes ago