About 2 months ago I heard about a local photographer that for $50, met you in a location you choose for about an hour and she gives you the disc! This is UNHEARD of!! So, I sent her an e-mail to set up a time to get pictures taken. We met her in downtown Rockford. We spent about 1 1/2 hours with her. She took about 170 pictures!! Three days later we got 3 discs full of pictures in the mail. Now all we have top do figure out which ones we want! They turned out FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!
Here is just a sneak peek, the rest of them can be viewed on our pictures website at pictures.stoufer.com.

We liked the pictures, and price, so much that we are meeting her next month for a photo shoot with us and Mom, Grandma, and Jeff. I am excited to see how those turn out too! :)