Friday, June 4, 2010

Field Day!! 6/4/10

Today was Marc's very first (of many) field day at school. I came to school to watch and join in on the fun. They rotated station every 15 minutes. Marc's first station was a pool noodle race. They were divided into teams of 4. Each team had a pool noodle. They had to run down the course, around the pole, and back to start while everyone held on to the noodle. If anyone let go, they had to wait for them to hold on again. Interesting to watch a bunch of kindergartners run together. They had to run frontwards and backwards and skip.Marc's 2nd station was the parachute. The did different activities like running in circles, bouncing a ball on top, running under and changing places with someone, and making a tent by sitting inside.
Marc's next station was I think my favorite!! :-) It was a pool toy relay race. The kids had to carry an inflatable ball down the course, put a ring around their waist, then put a swimmie on their arm, the put a ring around the neck, run around the cone, put the ring back in the hoop, put the swimmie back in the hoop, put the ring back in the hoop, run back and pass the ball to the next person in line. This was so cute I had to get a picture and a video. Super cute idea!!

Marc's 4th station was my 2nd favorite. He did the field-day-must; tug of war!! The Dad that was running this game was awesome!!! He really got the kids pumped up and ready to tug! They did some a couple evenly divided boy/girl on each side matches. After that they split up and did girls vs. boys. There are 12 girls and 9 boys in his class...a little uneven. They each won a round, then the Dad helped each team win another round, which made them 2 and 2....oh no, a tie!! So they had to do a tie breaker. The boys dug deep and won the final tug of war. They were so excited!

The next station was the one the kids liked the least. :-( They had to kick soccer balls and try to make a goal past the goalies. Well, kindergartners can't kick that well yet, so they never made it to the net.
The 6th station was the more traditional field day event...the baton relay race. They did a few different relays.
Marc's last station was probably the most unique. They played belly button tag. They had to try not to get tagged in the belly button with the pool noodle. If they got tagged they have to freeze with the arms in the air. Anyone could unfreeze them by tagging them in the belly button. Once unfrozen they could chase other people again. With the kindergartners, it was more mass chaos then a game. ;-)
After the batch of games that were on the schedule. they got to go back to their classroom and have a popsicle to cool down before going home.
I remember my field day as having more "competitive" games then Marc had. He had more "fun" games. I guess either way the goal is show the kids that exercising can be fun. :-) I enjoyed watching all of the kids of different ages rotating and playing the different games. :-)

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