Friday, June 4, 2010

S'more Please! 6/3/10

Marc's kindergarten teacher, Mrs Grimm, decided that they have worked hard enough and learned enough throughout the school year that she was going to do "fun" stuff for the last week and a half. All this week they did a camping unit. They did various crafts (camping badges, binoculars, pet rocks, lightening bugs made from glow sticks), read stories, and sampled various "camping" treats (trail mix, campfire cookies {graham crackers with frosting and candy corn to look like fires}, and s'mores). Mrs Grimm set up a tent in the middle of the room along with a campfire. Whenever they did a group thing, they sat around the campfire.On Thursday, as kind of a finale to the camping unit, they got to build s' the marshmallows grow in the microwave.....
pause to show Mommy his final creation........
and eat their s'mores around the campfire.
Marc was nice enough to share a bite with me. It tasted so good that I asked his teacher if I could make one of my own. She was nice enough to let me. It was yummy!!

I was in his room for 2 of the 3 "camping" days. it was so fun!! It was a very fun way to end the year. :)

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