Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Blizzard 2011 - 2/2/2011

It's a blizzard out there!! At the beginning of the week they were predicting that we would have a blizzard Tuesday night through Wednesday night. It was originally supposed to hit our area around 7:00pm Tuesday night. It then got changed to 10:00pm. About 8:30pm most of the schools were beginning to cancel school for Wednesday. Since I didn't have to get up early, I wanted to stay up to see the start of the blizzard. Well, all I saw was a lot of wind. We went to bed about 10:30pm. I was woken up off an on all night by the wind. It was windy!!! When we got up at 8:00 Wednesday morning, this is what we found.

Out our front window.
Out our back slider.
My yard stick told me we got about 16 inches of snow! The tv station said the official snow fall for Cedar Springs was 17 inches.
After some breakfast and some play time, we all bundled up to go out an see what the blizzard had brought to us. When we opened the garage door (we had to go out the garage door because it was too hard to go out the front door) this is what we found.
After some shoveling, climbing, and playing (about 15-20 minutes), all of our cheeks were bright pink and we were all freezing so we went inside to warm up and have some hot chocolate.
After some play time and lunch time we bundled back up to go explore out back yard. The back yard was MUCH deeper then the front yard. Samantha looks like she is kneeling in the snow, but she is actually standing! The snow went up to my knees!
My little angels making snow angels.
Daddy thought it would be funny to bury Marc in the snow. Peanut Marc was worried that Daddy would cover his head. He said it was really cold being buried under all the snow so he didn't stay there long.
It was definitely something I don't think I will ever forget! I am very thankful that I have a job that allows me to be home the same time my kids are and that Marc has a job that allows him to work at home in situations like this. :-)

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