Monday, December 21, 2009

Time in the Play Area

I took the kids to the mall to see Santa on Monday, and my Mom met us there to spend more time with her "favorite grandkids". ;) The mall opened at 9:00 and Santa started at 10:00. The mall has a tree house play area that Marc always wants to play in and is always too crowded with unsupervised children, so we don't stop and play. We decided to get there at 9:00 and let the kids play in the play area for awhile to get some wiggles out before waiting in line to see Santa.

This was Samantha's first time in the play area so I was very pleased to see that there were only another 6-8 kids and 90% of them were her age(ish). She had a BLAST!! She LOVED the slide. I was a little hesitant to let her go down without me holding her arm at first (the slides are really fast!). Here are some of the picture we took of the kids playing.

Samantha climbing the stairs to the tree house

Samantha at the top of the tree house

Samantha ready to go down the slide. (I didn't get any of her going down on her own since the slides were so fast)

Marc posing on a mushroom

We caged Samantha in a net ;) (It was actually a net wall along the stairs)

Marc and Samantha going down the slide together. Samantha thought it was so cool

Samantha crawling through a log

Marc was inventing different ways to go down the slide. This time was criss cross applesauce

Samantha and I "had" to race Marc down the slide

Samantha thought the feel of the "rubber" tree was really cool
They played for about 45 minutes and then we went upstairs to wait for Santa. (See next post)

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