Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cutie Pie!

On Wednesday, Marc had a Grandma/Marc day with my Mom. (Pictures to come soon, as soon as my Mom burns them to do a disc for me.) While Marc was with Grandma, I took the opportunity to clean up our family room. We had decided to kind of turn that into a "play room" of sorts. However, it turned more into a "throw everything and anything in there room". Five hours, 1 big trash bag, and 3 boxes for Good Will later, it looks like a play room again. While I was cleaning down there I brought Samantha down with me. She had a great time exploring all of the "big kid" toys down there. Here are some of the cute pictures I took.
What would you like to eat?Hello?My furture is so bright I need to wear shades.Playing a tune for Mommy

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