Thursday, May 28, 2009

Day 6: Fort Smith, AR 5/28/09

Fort Smith has a really nice park called Creekmore Park. There are 3 playgrounds, several picnic areas, some nice open green areas for running around, a pool, a mini-golf course, and a small train that costs $.25 to go around the perimeter of the park. Today's weather was supposed to be mid-seventies and sunny. The weather changes tomorrow and gets really hot, so we decided to go to the park today. Here are some pics of the kids playing.

Samantha swingingMarc swingingMarc playing in a HUGE sandbox that is thereWe met my mother-in-law, Pearl, my niece, Kaylee, and my father-in-law Marc Sr at the park for some good play time. Marc has had a lot of fun playing with his cousin Kaylee.We took Marc on the train last time we were here and he had a blast so we thought we would take him on it again..and see how Samantha liked it. It was a hit with them both!.There were some pretty flowers and trees so we decided to try to have a photo shoot. We got some cute pictures of Marc, but Samantha was not in the mood to have her picture taken. So here are the cutest of the bunch.....

1 comment:

The Whiteds said...

Those last two are just adorable of the kids!!! Looks like you are having a great time. :)