Thursday, May 28, 2009

Day 5: Fort Smith, AR 5/27/09

My Mother-in-law, Pearl, wanted to take her grand kids (and their parents) to Chuck E Cheese for lunch today. Samantha loved the pizza.....and Marc had fun playing the games.....After lunch we went and showed our cute kiddos to Marc's Grandfather (Papaw) and step-Grandmother (Nannie).
The kids with Papaw.......
and with Nannie......and with Lisa (who is technically Marc's Aunt. Nannie & Papaw adopted her)......
After some time with Nannie & Papaw we went over to Marc's sister & brother-in-law's house (Melisa & Paul) for dinner and so Marc could play with some of his cousins. They live in the country so Marc had a lot of room to run and play outside. He had a lot of fun, he isn't used to the amount of space to run free.and Samantha had fun playing with their Fridge Phonics letters.

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