Saturday, February 6, 2010

Cute Kiddos

We have taken some misc. cute pictures of the kids over the last few weeks. So here is my random pictures entry. ;)

At the party we went to on New Year's Eve, Samantha found a baby and a bottle and had fun feeding the baby so we bought her a baby bottle so she could feed Baby Grace. The first few days she would hold the bottle to the baby's mouth but she didn't hold the baby.
After some practice, so started holding Baby Grace and feeding her at the same time. :)

She has become quite the little Mommy. She loves carrying, feeding, kissing, and hugging Baby Grace.

One night after dinner we had some cookies for dessert. The two kids sat on the floor and ate them together and I thought it was really cute.

One of Samantha's new favorite thing to do is to wear my slippers around the house. She doesn't care that they are about 20 sizes too big for her. ;)

Marc LOVES doing his homework. The teacher sends home a homework packet each week for him to complete. For those of you that don't already know, Marc has been put into the Advanced Reading program!! Needless to say, we are just A LITTLE proud of him. ;) Since he is so far ahead of the rest of his class, his teacher sends home 2 homework packets for him to do. He gets the same one the other kids get, to just review the information, and a more advanced one. The more advanced one is more to promote reading comprehension. He truly enjoys doing his homework, and he does great at it!! I hope his attitude continues. :)
Marc's kindergarten class sponsored a movie night at the school. We all sat in the gym and watched Bolt and ate popcorn. It was fun! :)

About 2 weekends ago I had a 1 day teacher conference to go to so Marc took the kids out to our favorite pottery place to make a "surprise" for me. I out it in quotes because I was home no more than 30 minutes when Marc told me about going to the pottery place. ;) Marc has been there and painted items several times before, but Samantha had never been able to participate before this time. Marc (according to Daddy) and a lot of fun "showing her the ropes".

What Marc chose to do was a set of 3 flower pots and a tray for them to sit on. Marc painted the pots and Samantha painted the tray, with a little help from Daddy.
After they got done with the pottery, Daddy asked Marc where they should go for lunch. He chose Long John Silvers!! Totally shocked Daddy, but they went. Marc got this nifty little hat while they were there.

We decided that it had been awhile since we had been over to see my Dad's side of the family. So, the last weekend in January we headed over there for the weekend. Samantha enjoyed showing Grandpa here new laptop that she got for Christmas.

On Sunday morning, we got up and just kind of hung around the house. My Dad & Peg were reading the Sunday paper. Marc decided that he had to write an "article" for the paper. :)
I hope you have enjoyed seeing some of my randomness. :)

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