Thursday, June 25, 2009

First Day of the Library's Summer Reading Program

During the summer our local library has a summer reading program. This year's theme is "Get Creative". Everything that goes on during the program is associated with that theme. Once a week there is a more traditional story time geared more towards the "preschool age" children. The librarian reads a couple of books about a topic and then follows it up with a craft.In the afternoon there is a program geared towards the "school age" children. This session is more of an entertainment time. This week there was a lady that played the harp, a few other instruments, and sang. During one of the songs she invited all the kids that wanted to to come up front a play an instrument and sing with her.After the performance she let the kids come up and play her harp for a second.We had a fun afternoon. We can't wait to see what they will do next week. :)

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